Salford Credit Union- COVID 19 UPDATE
As you are aware, the situation with Covid 19, often called the Coronavirus is unprecedented and is requiring organisations, including Salford Credit Union, to make some challenging decisions.
In order to protect yourself, we advise everyone to check the government advice and follow it closely: . The most important thing anyone can do is wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds, using soap and warm water.
In order to protect credit union members and staff and the local community, we are making the following changes to our services from 8.30am on Wednesday March 18th:
- We will be closing Brotherton House reception service until further notice
- We will be suspending the weekly collection points at community venues until further notice.
In order to get in touch with us you will need to:
- Complete the online form at
- Phone 0161 686 5880 between 10- 2pm (10- 1pm Thursdays)
- Email: [email protected]
Our regular Member services continue behind the scenes, including collecting savings deposits and loan repayments through our banking processes and payment of benefits and wages to some members’ accounts.
PLEASE NOTE- Some services may take longer than normal so some procedures which we have normally done same day may now need to roll over to the following day.
If you are already registered for online access to your account (to check balances and recent transactions) this service remains available. If you are not registered you can do so by clicking on the green Members Area button above. You will need your credit union number to do this and you will then receive your PIN number in the post (may have envelope franked in Ireland) within around 10 days.
DON’T FORGET- you can apply online 24/7 for credit union membershipor for one of our affordable loans . And all your savings with the credit union are safe and protected (up to £85,000 per member) because we are part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.
While we hope to return to normal soon, the rapidly changing situation may mean we have to make further changes to services. Salford Credit Union will continue to monitor the situation and will continue to take advice from the government and other authorities. Updates to this situation will be made on the website and through our social media channels.
We understand that these changes may inconvenience some of our members but believe they are appropriate in the light of the current national situation. This decision has been made in the best interest of all our members and the communities we serve.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during these challenging times and wish all best wishes to our members and everyone in the wider communities.