Walk The Plank challenge 

Managing our money – from bills, borrowing to saving – can feel like walking the plank sometimes. Here at Salford Credit Union, we make it our mission to support the people of Salford feel better off thanks to easy saving and fair loans.

Try out our Walk The Plank challenge to get your money matters sorted for 2020:

Q1: I run out of money before payday.

a) NO: move onto the next step.

b) YES: Learn how to budget with free tools such as thismoney plannerand consolidate high-cost credit card debt or loans with a payroll SCU loan.

Q2: I have enough to take care of life’s unexpected costs.

a) YES: Move onto the next step.

b) NO: Build an emergency fund through automated savings such aspayroll savingand check withSalford Citizens Advice Bureauwhether you are claiming additional benefits that you are entitled to.

Q3: I think I’ll have enough money to retire on.

a) YES: congratulations! You’ve completed the Walk The Plank Challenge.

b) NO: Get free, impartial retirement advice from theMoney Advice Serviceand speak with your HR department about pension options at work.

If you need more information about easy saving – from Christmas Clubs to saving through your pay – or a quick quote using our loan calculator, visit www.salfordcreditunion.com